Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Week Ten!!!!!!

            Hey everyone! Sorry it has taken us so long to update. We’ve been super busy these last couple of weeks.

This past week was about personal evangelism. It was a really cool week that has given us a new outlook on evangelism. We learned that sharing our faith does not have to be something scary but can actually be lots of fun.

            This week we learned different ways to do street or door-to-door evangelism, how Paul and others did evangelism in the early church, and how to disciple new believers. We put many of these things right into practice this week as well. We went to a local trailer park and did door-to-door evangelism. Some people would just not answer; some would answer but say they were too busy to talk right now; but others we got to actually talk with and that was great.

            Here’s a short story from one of the houses that Julianne went to: When I first walked up to the door, I thought that no one was home. I could hear what sounded like a TV but didn’t see any lights on in the house. My friend, Jaime, and I thought about walking away but decided to knock anyway. A woman probably in either her late 20’s or early 30’s answered the door. We asked her a couple of questions about the community and worked our way into talking about God. She had grown up in a Lutheran church but had not been attending church lately. We could tell that she really wanted to know more about God and to restore her relationship with Him again. We were able to encourage her in her faith and invited her to the church we have been going to. We prayed with her before we left. She was so thankful that we stopped by her house. The whole experience really encouraged Jaime and I to want to talk to more people about God.

            This weekend we actually got away from the base and went to the LifeLight Music festival just outside of Sioux Falls, South Dakota. We went there with two other students from our class to do some PR for our base. It was a great weekend talking with people about God, missions, and YWAM. It was also great getting to hear some of the bands too.

            It seems crazy to think that next week is our last week of classes and that in two short weeks the DTS will start and we will be staffing and leading the 3 months here and 2 month outreach! Some prayer requests we have would be for God to show us where He wants the outreach teams to go for the DTS and for the release of funds for us and for other staff members. If you are interested in partnering with us to do God’s work then please check out the “Join our Team” page at the top. We would really appreciate it!

            Thank you so much for all of your prayers and support. We would not be able to do this without all of your help. God bless!

                                                                                    Love in Christ,

                                                                                    Nate and Julianne

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