Sunday, July 22, 2012

Week Four

Hey everyone! We had another wonderful week here. We got to do a lot this week/weekend.

Our class this week was about God’s purpose through history. We went through the old testament and looked at some of the bigger promises that God has made. Some of those promises are when He promised in the Garden of Eden that there would be a man born of Eve that would defeat Satan, when He promised Abraham that He would bless him and that through him He would bless the world, and when he promised David that he will have a son whose throne would last forever and through him all nations would be blessed. Then we looked at Jesus and how Jesus fulfilled every one of those promises. It was just a really cool week where we just really dug into the Bible and its message throughout.

On Tuesday night Nate got to go work with some East Asian children in one of the local outreaches that are ran through this Youth With A Mission base. They are all from Buddhists families. We just got to play with them, talk with them, and just give them some love and attention. They really need it. Because they are Buddhists, they worship/pray to/give offerings to their “gods”, which are really just demons.  They live lives based around fear of their gods and not pleasing them. So we just come in to love on them and whenever we can try to talk to them about Jesus and how they do not have to be afraid because Jesus is more powerful than the demons. It is a great ministry.

This weekend was another Mission Adventures weekend here at the base. So we had about 30 junior high and high school students who came to get trained and prepared for their mission trip. This weekend we got to do things like help teach them some short dramas they can act out, how to make balloon animals, and helped lead them in some team building and team bonding games. It was a lot of fun working with the youth and just talking to some of them during their free time. We have been praying that this experience would be a life changing one that would change their walks with good for the better.

We are looking into investing in an Ipad and have really been asking God about it and feel like He wants us to get one and has one for us. We are just really trying to figure out how to find the one that God has for us. So if you know of anyone who is looking to sell one that is in good condition or any kind of lead on one, we would love it if you could email us about it at: Thank you so much for all of your help! J

We would love it if you could continue to keep us in your prayers. We know that they really do help us. Some specific things you can pray about are: first for God to release the Ipad He has for us and second for us to really just figure out our places here that God has for us. Thank you so very much for all of your support. We could not do this without you!

                                                                                    Love in Christ,
                                                                                    Nate and Julianne Gibbons

Helping with the MA teams:

Nate and Julianne:

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